ecopark poll


cyberbulling is when a child adult or teenager is humillated, treatened or tormented targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, i or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. when adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. Adult cybe

don’t have the guts to open up a real confrontation. I can think of 3 possible solutions to the


A) Call the police

B) The Pacifist Solution: talk to the bully, try to make out the problem, see if that works.

C) talk to an adult or to a psicologist and see if they can help you

“Be nice to nerds because one day you’ll be working for one” – Bill Gates





protocol the protocol is a set of rules that the computer has to foolow in order to get a website the protocol is:

-firt request the page

-then wait

-and finally recieve the anser

domain name

top level domain top level domain is the last part of the url and shows you the purpose of the page they are a lot of top levels domain like:

-edu: education



coutry code: this shows where is the page from like:

uk:united kingdom






global warming

¿what do you know about global warming? global warming is :“is the increase in the average temperature of earths near-surface air and oceans since mid-20th century” the global warming is a problem caused by us the humans . we don’t have a Clear perspective about it  but we don’t care we thing it’s just a game but not its a real problem that is growing and growing each time more we could prevent much of this problem but we don’t do it some things we could do are planting trees and trying to use less gasoline going on bike to work or something this is just the tip of the iceberg we have to have consciousness about this problem     if the global warming continues they will be changes in:wildlife, health,weather and sea level in wild life many animals like polar bears that could extinct if we continue in health many lives could be in danger because of the changing weather and all this things in weather many lands could dry or could flood and in sea level glaciers could melt and affect the sea level this is the global warming this is a real problem thing about it.

if the global warming continues they will be   changes in:wildlife, health,weather and sea   level in wild life many animals like polar      bears that could extinct if we continue in    health many lives could be in danger  because of the changing weather and all this  things in weather many lands could dry or  could flood and in sea level glaciers could  melt and affect the sea level this is the  global warming this is a real problem thing  about it.

what’s a blog



“A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links”.


A blog is a kind of summary of what is happening in a person’s life and what is happening on the Web, a blog is a kind of diary ,  there are as many  types of blogs as there are people.every person tries to create a blog as original as they want.

People maintained blogs long before the term was coined,  with the introduction of automated published systems, most used is  Blogger at many people use  Blogger to simplify and accelerate the publishing process.

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